
Wednesday, June 3, 2015

More incompetence on the part of Hebrew SeniorLife staff

There is a young woman who lives diagonally above me who is developmentally disabled. She makes a great deal of noise, beginning early in the morning and running into late at night - moving around in her apartment, slamming doors and cabinet, playing with her cat. I've had to put up with it for years.

In recent months, she's begun making a banging sound that begins early in the morning and occurs sporadically throughout the day. It's disturbing and annoying at all times, but she's been doing it earlier and earlier, and she's been waking me up. I'm in dreadful state to begin with since the violent phone confrontation with Rhonda several weeks ago - I've been having trouble eating and sleeping, I've lost a great deal of weight, I'm in a constant state of agitated exhaustion. I'm obviously in a state of post-traumatic stress. I'm going back into therapy because of this woman and her staff. I'll probably be going on medication. I have been taking medication to help me to get some sleep.

Two days ago, I was woken up at 5:56 by the banging. I told Jill, the Director of Community Life, that if she didn't make this young woman stop, I would call in the police as I was forced to do with H., the man who used to run up and down the hall. She told me that the young woman had been spoken to by Andrea, one of the social workers, and that she would ask her to speak to her again. Andrea was ineffectual when she was head of the Social Services Dept., and I can't imagine she's become any more effective now that she's working part-time.

Yesterday morning, there was no banging, so I assumed she'd been spoken to. This morning, it occurred again at 5:22. I immediately emailed Jill to tell her I'd be calling the police, then left a voice message for one of the Community Service Officers for the Town of Brookline, to whom I've been speaking in recent months. Hopefully, he'll be able to handle it. If he can't, I'll have to begin calling the desk and asking them to send over uniformed officers. I don't relish the idea of calling the police on a developmentally disabled woman, but as per usual, they're leaving me no choice.

As I said in an earlier post, whenever an issue like this arises, if I can get the management to involve themselves themselves at all, the most that gets said is, "Won't you stop, pretty please?" By contrast, when they address me, they have no problem being threatening and abusive. Rhonda sent me that vile letter I described earlier, and Carolyn, the previous Property Manager who has since been terminated (not for abuse, about which Hebrew SeniorLife doesn't give a damn, but for stealing) threatened me with eviction. If one were to rank every resident numerically according to the management's willingness to address and solve problems, I'd be at rock bottom.

The management of Hebrew SeniorLife, in its hiring practices, couldn't care less about any level of competence. This organization is a haven for career social service bureaucrats, and they're all being paid handsomely for doing virtually no work. I'm convinced there's a good deal of nepotism going on as well; people here hire their friends. Again, it's time for the Jewish community of Boston to wake up and realize what's going on. They're being suckered out of millions of dollars per year, while the weakest and most defenseless members of the Jewish community are being ignored at best, abused at worst.

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